Books by Dr. Jim Mastrich
Over the years, Dr. Mastrich has enjoyed sharing meaningful information with the community beyond those he sees as clients. His first two books, Strong Enough for Two and The ACOAs Guide to Raising Healthy Children (recorded version), were written out of his interest in addressing the impact of alcoholism and addiction (and other forms of dysfunction) within families. When he wrote Really Winning, Dr. Mastrich was motivated by his wish to give his own sons and all boys what they need in order to develop into healthy, strong and loving men. In addition to these books, Dr. Mastrich wrote Images of America: Lambertville and New Hope out of his love of history and the origins of these unique twin hamlets along the Delaware.
Really Winning: Using Sports to Develop Character and Integrity in Our Boys.
Published in 2002 by St. Martin’s Press.
This book is a comprehensive and practical guide that provides mentors with the tools to foster integrity and character in boys. Dr. Mastrich encourages parents and coaches to help athletes develop compassion and empathy rather than becoming arrogant and self-centered. By focusing on the positive aspects of athletics and incorporating the psychology of boys, parents, coaches, and administrators are taught how to create the ideal conditions for boys to become men with sound character.

Strong Enough for Two: How to Overcome Codependence and Other Enabling Behavior and Take Control of Your Life (with Bill Birnes)
Published in 1990 by Macmillan Publishing Company.
Published in 1995 in audio format by Recorded Books, Inc. In this book, Dr. Mastrich helps the reader recognize and overcome codependent and enabling behaviors. He presents a five-step plan that empowers the reader to disengage from a pattern of dysfunction regardless of whether it involved enabling a parent, child, partner or coworker. The advice and practical guidance in the book can be employed to break the cycle of enabling, and to assist individuals to lead more fulfilling lives and maintain more functional relationships.
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The ACOA’s Guide to Raising Healthy Children: A Parenting Handbook for Adult Children of Alcoholics (with Bill Birnes)
Published in 1988 by Macmillan Publishing Company.
Published in 1995 in audio format by Recorded Books. Inc. In this book Adult Children of Alcoholics will find the help they need to end the cycle of alcoholism and dysfunction to which they were subjected. Basic principles of developmental psychology are used to help the reader understand the naturally emerging patterns and stages in the child, while understanding the parallel reaction and process in the parent. The book addresses many of the specific issues ACOAs encounter raising children from infancy to adulthood.
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Images of America: Lambertville and New Hope (with YvonneWarren & George Kline)
Published in 1996, Reprinted in 1997 & 1999 by Arcadia Publishing
This photo-history book examines the origins of the twin river hamlets of Lambertville, New Jersey and New Hope, Pennsylvania. The use of photographs from the period between 1830-1920 brings to life a vivid remembrance of this time and its people. The images collected for this book provide a window into the past that is both intimate and learned: one image tells of the human toil and ingenuity that went into the construction of the canal system, while another takes the reader into the carefree world of two young lovers setting out with parasol and oars to spend some quiet moments together on the Delaware in the Victorian era.
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